Ecocenter Foundation held VR courses at Platán school in Kiskunfélegyháza within the framework of the PONTAL Erasmus project!

The courses were held during may and june 2022, with the help of a professional instructor involved in the project we were able to show and teach interesting and exciting things to 20 children, get them familiar with this world. They created their own virtual world using CoSpace Edu education program, with the help of their smart phone and some VR spectacle frames, they had the opportunity to see their work. For this occasion we also brought them some real VR glasses (Oculus Go VR) on which we installed some games and they had the opportunity to try it out, the kids really enjoyed participating. They were able to develop their work in virtual reality and everyone could try it out with the special framework what they created and were able to learn and try the mysteries of 3D printing.
Overall, it was a very exciting and interesting series of events and the kids really enjoyed being part of this project. The school and parents were also happy to get involved and open to other similar opportunities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.